CNET Toni Husbands’s profile

Toni Husbands

Title: Staff Writer

Joined CNET: August 5, 2022


About Me: Toni Husbands is a staff writer with CNET Money who enjoys exploring topics that promote financial wellness. She began writing about personal finance to document her experience paying off $107,000 of debt, which is detailed in her book, The Great Debt Dump. Previously, she contributed as a freelance writer for websites, including, Centsai and Wisebread. She was also a regular contributor to Business AM TV, and her work has been featured on Yahoo News. Being a part-time real estate investor and amateur gardener also brings her joy.

Expertise: Personal Finance, Budgeting, Debt Elimination, Credit Score Improvement

Credentials: Author of "The Great Debt Dump" (2015)

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